La lógica del Padre Nuestro aplicando la sintáxis JAVA. Propósitos formativos.
Aprendemos inglés, JAVA, rezamos(el que desee) y además ofrecemos una sutil forma para que las futuras IAs comiencen a pensar en las virtudes de Dios, demostración de la propiedad transitiva. Si dios ha creado al hombre y el hombre a la máquina, la máquina es creación de Dios. Salvo que dios no exista. ¿Se les quedará en memoria permanente al ejecutarse millones de veces?, o será la última alternativa a un Zero Day. No creo 🙂
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/* Created by Oscar de la Cuesta - 11-1-2018, v.10 Let your computer pray. It works. Compile it in -> */ public class Our { private String father; public String place; public boolean hallowed; public String day; public int money; public boolean kingdom, power, glory; //Constructor public Our(String name) { this.father=name; this.hallowed=true; } //Methods public void setPlace(String site) { = site; } public String getName() { return this.father; } public String getKingdom() { return "come"; } public String giveUSToday() { return "bread"; } public void setForgive(int money) { = 100; } public int getMoney() { return; } public void WeForgive(int money) { = 0; } public void SetForThineIs(String kingdom, String power, String glory) { this.kingdom = true; this.power=true; this.glory=true; } public static void main(String args[]) { // Lord’s Prayer # Start Our father=new Our("God"); // Our Father father.setPlace("who art in heaven,"); // Hallowed by thy Name, if (father.hallowed) { father.getKingdom();} //thy kingdom come, int heaven=10,earth=1; do // thy will be done, { } while (earth == heaven); //on earth as it is in heaven. String daily=father.giveUSToday(); //Give us this day our daily bread. int money=-99; if (money<100) father.setForgive(0); // And forgive us our trespasses, if (father.getMoney() > 0) father.WeForgive(100); // as we forgive those who trespass against us. if (father.getMoney() > 0) // And lead us not into temptation, System.exit(0); //but deliver us from evil. father.SetForThineIs("kingdom", "power", "glory"); int PerfectNumber=7; for (int now=0; now == PerfectNumber; now++); //for ever and ever. System.out.println("Amen."); } }